In our sixth video chat we catch up with one of our guest speakers Essi Aittasalo.
It was great to be able to sit down with Essi and Chris Gadsby to discuss the forthcoming coaching symposium.
Originally from Helsinki in Finland Essi has now settled in the UK and is currently working for Skateboard Great Britain.
Essi talks about the development of girls and women in ice hockey which is part of her workshop over the weekend 13/14 July.
She shares stories of her growing into the game of ice hockey and also her experiences of working with the IIHF, the IOC, the BUIHA and currently her work with the GB Under 16's Women's Programme.
We look forward to bringing you more Coaching Symposium Video Chats with Chris and other guest speakers to get a feel and get to know who our guest speakers really are with a bit of their history, background as well as what they are looking forward to most at our Symposium.
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